Help! I keep automatically assuming everyone is against me!

Rejection sensitivity can cripple our lives, but cognitive restructuring can help us overcome it. Let’s explore how.

As human beings, we all crave acceptance and validation. It is a natural desire to want to feel loved and appreciated by the people around us. But what happens when we perceive rejection, even if it’s not intended, and our emotional response to it is out of proportion to the situation at hand?

This is what is known as rejection sensitivity, and it can be a debilitating condition if left unchecked. It can cause us to avoid social situations altogether, or to become overly defensive and lash out at those who we feel are rejecting us.

The good news is that cognitive restructuring can help us overcome this condition. It involves identifying and challenging negative thoughts and beliefs that we have about ourselves and others, and replacing them with more positive and rational ones.

For example, if we perceive that someone is rejecting us, we might automatically think, “They don’t like me, I must be unlikable.” But through cognitive restructuring, we can challenge that negative thought and replace it with a more positive and rational one, such as, “Maybe they’re just having a bad day, or maybe I misinterpreted them.”

Read more in this article: Revamp Your Thinking: Cognitive Restructuring for Overcoming Rejection Sensitivity