Stop trying to make your relationship work. Instead, try to make yourself be the fullest version of yourself; and support your partner in becoming the fullest version of themselves. When your focus is on making sure that both you and your partner are the fullest versions of yourselves, you’ve got something tangible that won’t fade away. It doesn’t guarantee everything will always be smooth, but it does mean you’re able to assess it more clearly.
Don’t settle for having a relationship that’s good because it’s “better than others” or “better than it used to be” or “because we’ve made it through so much together.” Those things are fine… great, in fact! But they don’t provide real stability when you need it. Find the reasons WHY you’re in this relationship. And they should be because YOU enjoy being YOU, and YOU ENJOY THEM being THEM!
Enhance your relationship by identifying what makes it good. (Hint, it’s you, and it’s them.)